Wednesday, August 27, 2008


One of the best and must used ways to make money online these days is by blogging. Hundreds of blogs are started everyday. One of the reasons is because it’s the easiest way to have your own website and start making money right away. With minimun effort you can monetize your blog by just puting a few posts on it and start marketing it. Pinging your blog whenever you do a new post, commenting on related blogs with a link back to your blog and social bookmarking your blog post are affective ways to market your blog. Below are 10 easy ways to make money online from your blog:

1. Ad Units: Monetize your blog with ad units from Google Adsense, Yahoo Publisher,
Bidvertiser, RevenuePilot and other contextual ad sites. Contextual ads are ads that
the ads sites show on your blog that are related to you’re your blogs topic. When
these ads are clicked on you get paid for it.

2. Sell Your Products: If you have a product blog about it and offer it for sell on your
blog. You already have an audience that’s interested in what you’re doing take
advantage of it.

3. Sell Other Peoples Products: If you have an affiliate account at Amazon. com,
Clickbank, Ebay or some other affiliate program, sell affiliate products on your
blog. You can do related posts for any product you want to sell.

4. Sell Ad Space: If you have a blog with a pretty good Page Rank you can sell ad space
on it. You can have different prices for different areas on your blog.

5. Write Paid Reviews: You can make money from your blog by writing paid reviews
for paid to blog sites like PayPerPost, SponsoredReviews, Blogsvertise, Smorty and
others. These sites offer advertisers who pay to have their product or service
reviewed. I must add a word of warning here though. Google has started penalizing
blogs for doing paid reviews and will drop your Page Rank if you are caught doing
so. However you can still make money online doing this even after a PR drop.

6. Sell An E-Book: Lots of people make some good money online writing and selling
their own e-books. You can write an e-book relate to your blog’s subject and offer it
for sell on your blog. Your e-book doesn’t have to be real fancy just give some
information that people would be interested in and downloadable.

7. Ask For Donations: You would be surprise of what you can just by asking. You can
for donations to help your blog going. Just put a PayPal donation in your sidebar or
after every post. It doesn’t hurt to ask.

8. Point Your blog To Your Paying Article: If you write articles for a site that pays you
a performance fee for your articles like Associated Content or Helium you can have
your blog lead your audience to those articles and make more money.

9. Sell Your Service: If you offer some kind of service like graphic design, website
design, financial consultation, story writing or some other service offer it from your
blog. You can even offer your blogging service to people who might need bloggers.

10. Sell Your Café Press Items: Café Press a site where you create your own t-shirts,
coffee mugs, calendars, posters and other stuff that you can sell. Way not offer
this stuff on your blog. Us PayPal “Pay Now” buttons to take the orders. When
someone orders an item they pay you, you pay Café Press a reduced price, they
make the item and ship it to your customer and you never have t see the item.

Simple eh? That’s just 10 easy ways you can make money from your blog. I realize
that not all these ways are for everybody, but I’m sure there is at least one or two of
these ways that everyone can find to make money online from their blog.

Monday, August 25, 2008


It's strange the way unsolicited advice comes to us especially when the people giving them notice the need in our lives. Don't be moved by everything you hear. use your brains and seek the advice of one person who knows most about how to raise children - God and from His word- the Bible.

Children need love and wither without it. In the 1950s, anthropologists M.F. Ashley Montagu wrote: " what the human organism requires most for its development is a nutrient of love; the source of virtually all healthis in the experience of love, especially within the first six years of life." Modern researchers echo Montagu's conclusion that "Children suffer serious crippling effects when exposed to an inadequate diet of love."
Studies show that "children brought up by loving but authoritative parents-those who are supportive of their children yet maintain firm limits - excel academically, develop better social skills, feel good about themselves, and are happier overall than kids whose parents are either too lenient or excessively harsh," says Parents magazine.

"The fact is," says Ronald Simons, a sociologist at the University of Georgia, "kids fare better with clear rules and firm consequences. Without structure, children become self-absorbed, selfish, and unhappy - and they make everyone around them miserable too." God's word states: "If you love your children, you will correct them." - Proverbs 13:24

Routines are a major part of adult life. Work, worship and even recreation usually follow set routines. Parents hamdicap their children if they do not teach them to structure their time and to stick to a schedule. On the other hand, "Studies show that having rules and structure make a child feel safe and secure, and teach self-control and self-reliance," says Dr. Laurence Steinberg, a professor of psychology.

Children want and need the most important people in their lives - their parents- to know how they feel. If parents habitually contradict their children when such feelings are expressed, the children will be less likely to open up to them and may even start to doubt their ability to feel and think for themselves.

Actions teach. Words only impart information. For example parents may tell their children to be respectful and speak the truth. However if these same parents scream at each other or at their children and tell lies to excuse themselves from inconvinient obligations, they teach that this is how adults should behave. "Copying parents is one of the most powerful ways that children learn," says author Dr. Sal Severe.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Secrets to Unshakeable Confidence (4)

6 Remember Kanter’s Law: Everything can look like a failure in the middle.

Winning is often the result of persistence, of not giving up when your goal appears to be in jeopardy. “When you adopt the attitude that if you do something it will make a
difference, that’s confidence,” she says. “Look at your situation and think of yourself
as being in the middle of it. The story is rarely over, even when the great majority
think it is—something every sports fans knows.” Kicker Adam Vinatieri helped the
New England Patriots defeat the Miami Dolphins 27-24 on December 29, 2002, when
he kicked a 42-yard field goal in the final seconds, after many spectators had already gotten up from their seats to make their way out of the stadium. This event got fans
saying, “It’s not over until Vinatieri kicks.” Sure enough, in the 2004 Super Bowl, Vinatieri kicked the game-winning points for the Pats in the final few seconds.

Certainly, there will still be moments and situations that just aren’t going to go your way, and this is the time when confidence needs to be tempered by realism. If you believe in yourself so strongly that you act rashly, confidence can actually make you “stupid.” So handle it with care—and use your new confidence wisely.


Friday, August 15, 2008

Secrets to Unshakeable Confidence (3)

4 The angry e-mail file
If there’s one winning behavior that people building confidence should model, Kanter emphasizes, it’s the willingness to get back into the game after a setback. “Don’t whine or nurse
your wounds,” she says. Yes, you’ve heard it before, and, yes, you need to get in there and try again. There are, however, important caveats. Panicking can compound a small misstep by causing you to lose your head and forget to think clearly. “If you suffer a terrible loss, give yourself time to absorb the blow,” Kanter
stresses. “Don’t deny the hurt or try to solve the problem immediately. Gather your support system around you and simply get nurtured. This is what I did when I lost both of my parents within a few years of one another. We were very close, and I missed them terribly. I made a point of reaching out to friends—I called people
and asked if we could go for a walk, or if I could come to dinner. Sitting around and
thinking about your loss is the worst thing you can do to solve your problem.”
Panic following a stressful situation may cause you to seek an instant—and often
wrong—solution. “Write the angry e-mail—but don’t send it in the cold light of day,” says Kanter. “If you are feeling panicked, it is not the moment to spring into action, because you’ll be too emotional. I’ve seen this in sports, where athletes forget to do what they know well and start making stupid mistakes.” Your basic rule of thumb: Panic makes a small fumble worse.

5 Let the Confidence Games begin
When Kanter advises executives, she stresses the importance of recognition and praise: “Bosses who have both big plans and the human touch, who walk through corridors acknowledging and complimenting people, can make a huge difference in the confidence level—and in the success of their companies.” The recognition itself does not need to be a big deal, but it does need to be genuine. When Tom McCraw coached for the Houston Astros, he offered a $100 reward to the player who drove in the winning run. “Guys making milliondollar salaries chased me around after the game for that money,” he said. The cash itself wasn’t the point: It was the recognition of the contribution. Continental Airlines found success with the same practice. One year, they offered a $65 bonus to all employees if Continental managed to score in the
top four airlines in on-time arrivals. The results speak for themselves. The airline’s performance went from seventh place to first—and some $2.5 million in bonus
checks were distributed to Continental employees. “Find the strength in somebody else, and tell them how you feel about them,” says Kanter. “Be specific in sharing with people what they’ve done that pleases you. Even in marriage, husbands and wives often don’t know what their partner really likes about them. My husband is extremely cheerful, especially in the morning. I tell him how much it means to me that he
wakes up happy, when I may not feel that way. It’s a small thing, but after 33 years we have a very close, solid marriage.”
Unfortunately, in the workplace especially, not everyone gets the praise they need to feel confident. Kanter suggests the reason may be that your boss is getting no recognition from his or her boss: “People who don’t have anything to feel good about can become petty simply to prove how important they are. “If you get stuck working for someone like this, it can sap your confidence. You may start thinking you’re a loser. If that happens, find a situation in which you can win. Look for another job, get together with co-workers to try to change things, or put your efforts into something outside of work.”

To be Contd.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Secrets to Unshakeable Confidence (2)

This is a continuation in our series: Secrets to Unshakeable Confidence.

2 How to get to Carnegie Hall
“Learn the importance of giving yourself pep talks, and keep the voice in your head positive,”
says Kanter. “I’ve observed this in athletes, who talk to themselves before and during competition.

The best athletes’ success is rarely due to raw talent alone. It’s because they’re
simply better prepared.” They stay focused, they’re willing to work as hard as they need to, and they keep the positive voice in their heads switched on. “If I’m going into a meeting feeling rotten— because I have a cold or have had a tough day,” says Kanter, “I make a deliberate effort to not let my bad mood show. I smile and work harder than usual to act positive.

Similarly, if you are having trouble finding confidence in one area of your life, another
way to ‘coach’ yourself is to create confidence in a different area and leverage it. If you walk into a situation smiling because of satisfaction you’ve gotten elsewhere—even something that’s as simple as a book club you’ve joined—you are more likely to provoke a positive response,” Kanter comments. “There’s evidence that these feelings are contagious.” Perhaps the most important aspect of being your own coach is to do what any outside adviser—or a good parent, for that matter—would preach: practice, practice, practice.

Even though Kanter has been a top-gun consultant for years, she admits that she still “almost always over-prepares for lectures,” and suggests that others do the same. Recently she traveled to India to consult with a group of executives. “I had to leave two days early in order to arrive on time,” she says. “Practically all I did for those two days was rehearse. When the flight attendants on the plane spoke to me, I literally didn’t hear them. Whenever I travel for business, I work on the plane, and try to avoid chatting with those around me.”

3 Flying without spoons
Avoid individuals who suck your energy and diminish your confidence. You know who they are:
Steer clear of them. Hang out with the people who see you at your best, and remind you about it every so often. Pessimists drag you down, as do whiners and critics. At work especially, stay away from gripe sessions. “If there are legitimate concerns, you should express them, but make it a rule not to complain unless you all agree to try to solve problems,” says Kanter. “Confident people have the sense that they are in control, and can take action that will make things happen.

“I love a story from Continental Airlines,” Kanter adds, “where the boss wanted each employee to help reach the goal of making sure the planes took off on time. One day a flight attendant noticed that they were delayed because the catering department hadn’t provided spoons. She took it upon herself to say, ‘Okay, we’re going to fly anyway, and I’ll explain it to the passengers.’ It’s a small thing that was big: She showed she had the confidence to be in charge because she knew she was surrounded by people who would support her.”

To be Contd at next post.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Secrets to Unshakeable Confidence (1)

I have always believed that being confident is a defining factor between success and failure. In this series on Confidence I will be showing you how to get the high-performance payoff that gives you an edge in life.

Imagine two people of equal skill applying for a job. Would you pick the person who is less confident? Ever?

Quite simply, a positive sense of self can transform your life. Rosabeth Moss Kanter, PhD and author of the bestselling book Confidence: How Winning Streaks and Losing Streaks Begin and End, has honed the definition down to its essence: “Confidence is the expectation of a positive outcome,” says Kanter. A professor at Harvard Business School, Kanter helps translate textbook concepts about success and attitude into practical results. “The fact is,” she says, “confidence makes you willing to try harder and attracts the kind of support from others that makes ‘winning’ possible.” In marriage, it makes you more capable of hearing the feelings and criticisms your partner really needs you to hear. In the business world, confidence bridges the chasm between the person who’ll ask for and receive a raise, and the employee who accepts the status quo; between the salesperson who gets bummed out by rejection and stops cold-calling, and the one who forges ahead and scores the mega sale. If, like most people, your confidence could use a boost, here are strategies on how to develop it quickly—and keep it working for you the rest of your life

1 The toes and shoulders test
Remember how Eliza Doolittle was transformed from a lowly flower seller into a confident grande dame in My Fair Lady? In the 1960s, Harvard researcher Robert Rosenthal studied how you can make people succeed simply by labeling them “successful.” Students were randomly assigned to two groups, “high-potentials” and “low-potentials.” Those singled out as more successful … were. Even a hint of praise or scorn can affect our performance. A recent study, published in Perceptual and Motor Skills, demonstrated how powerful a few words can be. Forty competitive tennis players were shown digital images of balls coming their way. Just before each ball appeared, the players saw or heard comments like “Good shot” or “Bad shot.” The reaction times of players hearing negative remarks were measurably slower.
And these were athletes who trained frequently to play a consistent game and not make unforced errors. What’s the explanation? Negative feedback undermines anyone’s belief in his or her ability to succeed. But if you can hold on to a winning attitude, you’ll make a greater effort and also create positive momentum. Confident people inspire others; opportunities seem to come their way more often.
They become magnets for success. At the most basic level of daily activity, confidence shows itself in body language, demeanor and in one’s surroundings. Chris Wallace, general manager of the Boston Celtics, used the “toes and shoulders test” to see if pro basketball players were likely to win. He looked at whether players were sticking close to the ground or were up on their toes; whether their shoulders were sagging or they were standing tall—all to determine if they were really fully focused on the game. Your body language and attitude send signals. Often the first thing Kanter suggests executives do to boost morale in a business that’s failing is to refurbish the workplace. It’s one more way of labeling yourself successful. Harvard Business School, where Kanter teaches, is not beautiful by accident: “The surroundings inspire people to live up to high standards,” she says. “And don’t assume that treating yourself to a good haircut or a stylish suit is frivolous, either,” Kanter adds. “You don’t do those things to dazzle someone, but to build confidence in advance of victory. To Be Contd

Thursday, August 7, 2008


I will be posting some motivational sayings that would help boost our confidence in making the best out of life. Hope you will not just read but also practice thise wise sayings.

Today is all any man has - this hour, this minute, this second. Entertaining what-ifs will dull and paralyze the mind with anxiety and spoil ones time. Fearful living and being afraind of the future is not the abundant life God planned for us. He promised never to leave us alone or abandon us, yet we sometimes act as if the outcome of things depends on us alone.

Having once decided to achieve a certain task, achieve it at all costs of tedium and distaste. The gain in self-confidence of having accomplished a tiresome labor is immense.

Attempt easy tasks as if they were difficult, and difficult as if they were easy; in the one case that confidence may not fall asleep, in the other that it may not be dismayed.

All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure.

It seems to me that people have vast potential. Most people can do extraordinary things if they have the confidence or take the risks. Yet most people don't. They sit in front of the telly and treat life as if it goes on forever.

You have to have confidence in your ability, and then be tough enough to follow through.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Writing effective copy for ads, web pages, sales letters and other marketing communications isn't difficult when you know what works. Below is a list of 5 "rules" you can follow to create a successful advertising copy. These rules apply to writing copy for any type of marketing communication.

1. Define the goal of your message
Define what you want your message to accomplish before youbegin writing. Do you want to generate inquiries (leads)? Doyou want to get orders? What action do you want readers totake? How do you want them to respond? Put your goal inwriting and refer to it often as you develop your message.Everything you write should directly support this goal. Getrid of anything that doesn't.

2. Know your audience and what they want
Maybe everybody CAN use what you sell. But one targetedgroup WILL be most likely to buy it. You can discover thatgroup by defining the characteristics of your bestcustomers. Once you know your audience and what they wantyou can personalize your writing to appeal to their specificinterests.
TIP: Advertising copy produces the biggest response wheneach reader can believe the message was written specificallyfor them. As you write, visualize you're writing to oneperson instead of to a large group of people. This will helpyou write in a less formal and more personal style.

3. Appeal to their self-interest, not yours
Customers don't care about you, your product, your company,or your professional qualifications. They only care aboutthe benefit they get from buying your product or service.The only thing a customer wants to know about your 1/2 inchdrill is that it's guaranteed to give them a 1/2 inch hole.Keep your ad copy focused on the benefits you provide.

4. Make an emotional appeal, not a logical one
Your ad copy should dramatize the feeling your customers getwhile enjoying the benefits provided by your product orservice. Get them emotionally involved so they want to startenjoying those benefits immediately. Use word pictures andreal life stories to draw readers into your message.

5. Don't give them any choices
You may spend a lot of time writing your sales message andgetting it "just right". Unfortunately, your prospects willrush through it and make a fast
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